
Lucas Samaras

Stepping Back to Move Forward: Expressive Writing Promotes Self-Distancing |. Pedagogical Implications for Training those “Moody Artists”

Summary: Park, J., Ayduk, Ö, & Kross, E. (2016). Stepping back to move forward: Expressive writing promotes self-distancing. Emotion, 16(3), 349-364. For individuals high in emotional reactivity with less efficient stress management mechanisms, it seems possible to regulate negative affect...
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Why are you conducting this interview?
So that I can find out what is been declassified.

Why is that necessary?
It is a way to keep alert, a kind of sanitation.

Why are you conducting this interview?
So that I can protect myself.

From what?
From people’s imagination.

How can you protect yourself with words?
Words ward off oblivion.

Why are you conducting this interview?
It is a way of realizing guilt.

Why are you conducting this interview?
I want to crystalize the daily situation of talking to myself.

Lucas Samaras (AutoInterview 1971)